
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Another Christmas in the Books

Everyone kept saying, "Thanksgiving is late this year.  We've got one less week to get ready!" I don't know if it really mattered but have to say, I felt like I never stopped in the days leading up to the big event.  By event, I mean Christmas Eve. We were the family host this year. It is rotated between me and my two brothers so we only have it every third year.  Since I lived outside Kentucky until very recently, we've only been host two times.  And man, how my sister-in-laws did it every year seemingly flawlessly is now something I appreciate very very much.

Besides getting the house decorated and baking up lots of stuff I shouldn't eat (which I have done every year), there was the added task of getting the Christmas Eve meal ready.  I say this like it's something I do when actually my husband does most of it.  But I do a lot of fretting and worrying.   We have one dedicated vegan, 2 plant based whole food but will cheat vegans, one vegetarian who doesn't like most vegetables, one dairy free/gluten free eater, one who won't eat sugar (blaspheme!) and the rest who'll eat anything.  What a pain in the butt.  I was always questioning how and what he was making to be sure everyone was covered. But the Hubby came through. Not everything was successful (he likes to experiment) but everyone got enough to eat. I decided to get through the evening with a couple of old fashion drinks. 

Adding to the "pressure" was the 2nd Christmas visit by the Daughter's boyfriend. Last year when he came, we all got covid. It was a rough Christmas and the boyfriend insists he got it from me. This year I didn't have covid but I did have an awful cold, so I got a few sideways glances every time I coughed. But no one got sick (beyond me), so that was good. I was also instructed by the Daughter not to discuss calories or weight or anything health related.  She felt like it may put too much pressure on the BF who was already bemoaning some weight gain. So that meant every time I lifted a cookie to my lips I had to eat it joyfully. You know what that does? It makes you pick up another cookie.  When you get to remind yourself out loud of the misery that cookie is delivering, you are telling yourself don't pick up another cookie! Result: 3 lbs.  

Not too long after Christmas I went into high gear taking stuff down. I looked down the road at what was happening in January and thought, no time to enjoy this stuff. So got it all put away.   

Just in time for the worse snow Louisville has had in 15+ years.  8-10 inches. That's a lot of shoveling on our long hilly driveway. And ice. Ice is fun to shovel.  

But I'm done now. Driveway clear. Christmas decor put away. Guests all gone home. Just me and the hubby.  

Now bring on the Birthday freebies!