
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Keeping the Blog Alive

 Got to Keep This Alive

I have no idea whether this blog has a life of its own. Haven't written in it since 2015. In fact, at this moment I'm not even sure how to publish a post.  But hey, guess I'll give it the ol' Senior try (college try is WAY too long ago).

So, when I last left you I had retired and was doing stuff.  Now I am still retired and still doing stuff.  

  • I moved to Louisville.  Bought a condo and lived in that while searching for a house. Bought a house (took three years). 
  • It's in the Highlands (which for my devoted non-Kentucky followers is an old neighborhood at the edge of the city).  
  • We added (we meaning Hubby) an addition and a deck on the house.  Then a tree fell on it. So we added the addition and the deck again.
  • We are down from two cats to one. Dear Emmy died at age 20.  Zori is almost as old, living her best life as an "only cat". (Please note although I am now a married cat lady, I was once a single cat lady and enjoyed the status. Also note that I only had one child. Mea culpa JD Vance.)
  • I joined a photo club and now take even more photos than ever before. Currently am the proud recipient of eight ribbons including one "best in show".
  • Love being back home in Kentucky with family and friends, but the Darling Daughter decided to pursue the academic life in Seattle. It's a long flight.
  • Am now a "step-mimi" to two boys. Bill's sons have one each. Both in Southern California. Another long flight.  We spend a lot of time flying back and forth to the west coast. Not my favorite thing but you got to do what you got to do.
  • No longer taking piano lessons and have forgotten what little I learned. Bought a ukulele just for the heck of it. Can't play it.
  • During the pandemic I began shopping on-line local auctions and must say, it is my only bad habit.
  • Belong to two book clubs so I read at least two books a month. This is a great accomplishment in my book (no pun intended)
  • Hubby continues to be an expert at doing and folding laundry. He has now joined the VEGAN club and gives me helpful (if not always welcomed) nutritional advice throughout the day. Most of which I ignore. 
So that's a pretty good update.  Perhaps I should try putting a photo in this post. I didn't take this one.